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Rachel Pinkney

rachel pinkney 2023

This is my first appointment as a presbyter minister, but I am a lifelong Methodist! I grew up on the outskirts of Birmingham before studying history at the University of Bristol. I have been married for nearly 30 years and have two grown up children.

Before this appointment I was the Schools and Families Lay Worker for the North Yorkshire Dales Methodist Circuit for almost six years, combining that with part-time study for ordained ministry at The Queen's Foundation and placement in the Darlington and Teesdale Circuit over the past three years.

I enjoy a good read, particularly history, and all things related to eating. So, my favourite relaxation is to curl up with a good book about the history of food, preferably with some chocolate to sustain me!

I also love sharing stories, Bible stories, stories of faith and stories of experiencing God. I like telling these stories in different and creative ways, but more than that, I love hearing other people's stories. So, I am really looking forward to listening to your stories and those of your churches and communities and getting to know you all. From there, we can work out together how we share the best news of all with those around us – that we're all loved by God.


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Registered Charity No. 1162844

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c/o Bishop Auckland Methodist Church
21 Cockton Hill Road
DL14 6EN

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