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We, as God's people, are committed to serving all people in the community

Woodhouse Close Church is a local Ecumenical Partnership: Anglicans and Methodists together, worshipping alongside friends from the United Reformed Church. The church was opened in 1962, extended in 1988 and modernised in 2000.

The church works in its local community setting to provide appropriate services and facilities; to make all feel valued and to treat people equally, promoting a sense of purpose and self-esteem and to promote the benefit of the local community.

It provides a place of worship and weekly prayer circles, offers Weddings and Baptisms and a variety of community events.

More information can be found on the church website.

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Registered Charity No. 1162844

Get In Touch

Circuit Office
c/o Bishop Auckland Methodist Church
21 Cockton Hill Road
DL14 6EN

Circuit Map

© 2019-2025 - Bishop Auckland & Shildon Methodist Circuit